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Hanging Up Highlights

Have too many memories and don't want to hide them away in albums where you'll rarely see them? Well, well have I got an easy, I mean real real easy, one you can actually DO IT YOURSELF kind of project!!!

1st) Head to your local Home Depot and snag a pegboard for dollars...just like this one! Or get creative & maybe try for a metal option.

2nd) While in Home Depot snag some spray paint of your color choice & color away. I think doing a chalkboard paint would be a rad alternative, so you could chalk what memory is from where.

3rd) You're almost done in Home Depot (your favorite store to spend hours in I know), go to the hardware section where they keep the nails and such, and get yourself some S-hooks similar to these. You will find that they come in boxes too, so you don't have to buy them individually.

4th) Take all of those memories & highlights you've snapped of your life & hole punch them. I know, I know what you're thinking, my precious photos...well you'll just have to get over it Smeagol, it's either a hole or hidden in in the back of your junk drawer. hah.

5th) Find a place to hang your pegboard where you'll see it everyday, and then comes the easiest step. Put up your polaroids on that beautiful and fancy DIY polaroid board.

I've placed my highlights board on my mantel in my kitchen, since ya know I spend a good amount of time eating, cooking, or just hanging in the kitchen. Good luck with the project...who am I kidding, you don't need's like the easiest. With that said, I better not find this on Pinterest fails! haha


Mrs. Home Sweet Home

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