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A Penny For Your Thoughts (JK, Here's Mine And They're Free Of Charge)

Turned 29.

Somedays I'm like yeah I'm 29! (Remembering back to younger years & pretending I was 26, why 26?! Well, that ship's sailed)

Somedays I stare at those untamed gray hairs poking from my head and think, hmm...whats next in life? Shit better yet, what's for dinner tonight?

Other days I sit on the couch and surf (very athletic I know).

Every now and then I collect sample books for my Kindle.

Most days I shop til' I drop.

And as I sit and stare at my pasty hands type away, I remind my anxious self...

Girl you got this.

Just breathe & take in all the feels.

Try and sort them out later, but for now, enjoy where you're at.

Right here, right now.

Enjoy the now, cuz tomorrow's always right around the corner.

(The rain & lack of tan skin makes me moody...oh wait, I'm PMS too...WIN, WIN).

Here's a snap of SF. And below, a quote that makes puts one of those smirky emoji faces.

"She Was Simple Like Quantum Physics"


(Yeah right, we all know it was some boring dude)


Mrs. Delight In The Details

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